Title | Media | Year | Tags | Link | |
Preparing Norway for the next generation of supercomputers | Simula Research Laboratory | 2020 | Exascale computing, supercompputers, computer science | Link | |
Towards sustainable futures: students discuss solutions to global environmental issues | Universitetet i Bergen | 2019 | Environmental sciences, policy making, sustainability | Link | |
Environmental challenges bring volunteers together | Universitetet i Bergen | 2019 | Environmental sciences, policy making, sustainability | Link | |
Brazil suspended from European Southern Observatory | Physics World | 2018 | Astronomy, science policy | Link | |
Budget crunch hits Brazilian physics | Physics World | 2019 | Physic, science policy | Link | |
Climate-change denier given top Brazilian science job | Physics World | 2015 | Climate change, science policy | Link | |
Saúde em movimento | Onco Magazine | 2019 | Cancer research, health | ||
Atlas do câncer | Onco Magazine | 2018 | Cancer research, health | ||
Scientists pin down fraud that fuels illegal Amazon logging | SciDev.Net | 2018 | Environmental sciences, Amazon, Biodiversity | Link EN Link ES | |
Niños se perjudicarán por austeridad fiscal en Brasil | SciDev.Net | 2018 | Health policy | Link | |
Leishmaniasis amenaza triple frontera sudamericana | SciDev.Net | 2018 | Health | Link | |
Mitad de producción científica mundial en acceso abierto | SciDev.Net | 2018 | Science communication, open access | Link | |
Brazilian scientists demand share of oil royalties | SciDev.Net | 2011 | tags | Link EN Link ES | |
Brazil’s high publication rate ‘hides drop in quality’ | SciDev.Net | 2011 | Science policy, scientific publishing | Link EN Link ES | |
Global tsunami monitoring could follow from discovery | SciDev.Net | 2011 | Earth sciences, remote sensing | Link EN Link ES | |
Brasil: éxito en el combate de enfermedades infecciosas | SciDev.Net | 2011 | Public health | Link | |
Brasil: científicos critican cambios a Código Forestal | SciDev.Net | 2011 | Biodiversity, Amazon | Link | |
Sun-harvesting textiles power remote villages | SciDev.Net | 2011 | Physics, Energy, Development | Link EN Link ES | |
Brazil releases science blueprint | SciDev.Net | 2011 | Science policy | Link EN Link ES | |
Desarrollan nueva estrategia para el control de la TB | SciDev.Net | 2011 | Public health | Link | |
Projetos buscam reduzir o problema do lixo em oceanos | Folha de S.Paulo | 2017 | Environmental sciences | Link | |
Engenheiros criam saídas reduzir lixo e gerar energia no litoral | Folha de S.Paulo | 2017 | Environmental sciences, Engineering, Energy | Link | |
Nasce um mapa da agricultura ecológica no mundo | Colabora | 2020 | Environmental sciences, agronomy, food security | Link | |
Sim, alimentos orgânicos são mais benéficos à saúde e ao planeta | UOL | 2020 | Agronomy, food security, environmental sciences | Link | |
Paraíso dos agrotóxicos | Ciência Hoje | 2012 | Toxicology, environmental sciences, agronomy | ||
No silêncio dos mares | Ciência Hoje | 2014 | Ecotoxicology |
Work in progress. It's gonna take a while until I update this table with all the articles I have published. In fact, I'm taking this opportunity to learn more about databases and SQL.