Science for kids
Imagine writing science stories that will be delivered, in the form of a monthly magazine, to almost 140 thousand elementary schools kids the 5th most populous country on Earth! Ciência Hoje das Crianças was a traditional and well-known scientific publication tailored for children between ages of 8 and 13. Our main client was the Brazilian Ministry of Education. Due to some controversial political decisions at the federal level, though, the project was sadly terminated – despite having been a huge success amongst our young readers! Politics, you know...
The magazine collection can be found here. As well as writing for the print edition, my colleagues and I edited science podcasts for the same target audience. We used Apple Logic Pro X – not the fanciest production, but it did the job. An 11 year old girl once wrote me this:
Hi! I loved the story about the Nobel prize ceremony last month. When I grow up, I actually want to win a Nobel prize in chemistry myself. Where I should start?
Now, what would you reply to that?